Kinda e.m.o right now!
i feel lost

can i be Forever21?
does it means that i've reach another turning?
everyone around started to involve their-selves in different society
that's how everyone around getting busier day by day
as we're chasing our very own dream
we're stepping on the path way to our future
What about my dream?
there's always a plan in my mind
seems like it's time for me to note in out of my mind
plan my work; work my plan
Penang ain't a very good place for me
*i knew it; i was just too in love with this small land
even KL doesn't fit my dream at all
*too big dream?
YES!! because i believe in Law of Attraction!!

this is what planted in my heart!
when time passes
i feel...

what i mean is i feel demotivated
i may feel...

that is why i need......

and i will do something like this..

there is always an imagination in my mind
like when we all become old folks
how will it be? how will it looks like?
sitting in a very high class restaurant
having steak; drinking wine
talking about our life; our historic
got back home and smile
because you feels like... your life is so...

if this really happens in the future
i would like to say this here in advance:

for walking in my life & make it wonderful
my friends; my soul-mate; my family;
my lovable relatives; passing by strangers >.<"
and right now
i pray hard everyday