
| | |我就喜欢我是这样的女生| | |

Thursday, July 29, 2010

【 鼻酸 】

終於... 終於...
那該死的 Streamyx 搞定了!


Assignments 已經把我慢慢的逼到死角

連個 Assignment Brief 老師都不分了


不過這個學期還真是.... 夠力!
雖然是很短的學期     才那短短的7個星期     就足以把我搞垮
雖然才那少少的3個科目      不過都有 Final Examination!

不過以我以往的一概習慣      缺席還是必然的 =
因為上那些無謂的課     真的悶死了!

 所謂的 Movie Marathon...

最後一場還要是 Inception
如果那戲我真的不喜歡    還真的會睡著了

還好... 這3齣戲我都很喜歡!

其中 Street Dance 讓我覺得很有意思
透過舞蹈    來教導社會不要分層次

不管是街舞或芭蕾舞     『It still a DANCE!』     

不管是那人人覺得很高貴的 Jazz    或是人人覺得低微的 Trance
還不同樣是的『音樂』 麻!

看那海報... 會讓人覺得是什麼恐怖片吧

還真是別一番風味... = =


不過算了    這應該是很適合男生去看!


Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleasing Masque

我個人覺得這個 Mask 真的 very good!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

【 No-Entry 】

Not going to update after this post
...... until i get my Streamyx UNIPACK done!!

talk about internet is like part of my life
i can control my temper for everything you did
except for taking away my INTERNET!!

seriously, honestly, 'freakingly',
i don't fucking care how much i need to pay to get to online! >.<"

back to college; back to classes;

ton and ton of assignments waiting for me
and i have no idea what's going on as i skipped those classes for A WEEK!

now i have to catch up all the classes i had missed out T.T

so i was busy searching for my next holiday when my first day in class = ="

this semester is going to end in 7weeks
(hell yea, i skipped 1week, left 6weeks to go)

my next holiday will be in september
will be back for 3 weeks if not mistaken

actually my holiday is just 1week
but the week after the '1week', is Hari Raya or Puasa (don't know la)
so means that i will skip first week classes again!! >.<"


i will SAVE SAVE SAVE and SAVE MONEY for my TRIP!!
NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT... *teeheeesss


Friday, July 9, 2010

【 Herbaline 】

Went to watch Twilight Eclipse at Queensbay yesterday night
If you plan to watch this movie, please, go on Movie Day!
It's not worth it for you to pay RM10!

I'm not saying like this movie is not nice,
but is a lil' bit meaningless for me!
*(for further information, please proceed to GSC = =")

So this is well-known Paul the Octopus all over the world now!
His prediction did makes me floundered!
I was struggling since the moment i read the newspaper... T.T

But in the end, i bet.......................! (fill in the blank)

I went to Herbaline for facial treatment just now,
i'm serious..... that's really really really fucking killing me!!
and now my face is like ONE nose become TWO,
TWO cheeks become FOUR!!

My lesson is, next treatment i won't go with lots of pimples on my face!!

This is what i bought from Herbaline!

The beautician told me that:

"People with fair skin will always need to worry about freckles!"

And then she said:
"When there's freckles on your face, it's because your liver is not working well!"

So my conclusion is:
"Does that means that everyone with fair skin have to suffer for poor liver?" = ="

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

【 Eagerly Anger 】

finally went to the Matta Fair which i wanted to go badly
and these are what i got from there!


Tons and tons of paper
One thing i'm shocked is, i met quite a lot of unexpected friend working there =)
(MJ is alive in Penang Matta Fair as well = =")

So, finally here we go, here we come!
Start planning DUDE!!
*(Hell yea, i'm flying out of this stupid country!)

If you feels like the article below is talking about YOU!

Be careful dudes & babes,
maybe the rumuor is not exactly the same as what comes out from your mouth!
But i'm pissing off!

You got me retarded, not with your beautiful face, but with your ugliness!

This is what best to describe you!

Wondering why people wanna make mischief to get a new friend,
you choose to lose a friend to have another friend,
why not you have both in a better way?

So what's the point to make yourself looks MORE ugly??

I don't really need tons of beautiful girls or handsome guys to be my friend
and i won't pretend like i loves them while i hate them at the back

For my own way,
i'll choose either to lose 2 fake friends at the same time;
or i'll have 2 true friends!

***(even i don't know who you are)
if you think that's YOU!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

【 You Never Needed 】

wasn't in the mood to go out from my room
seriously no mood at all >.<"
i'm gonna anti-mois for quite some time
because of Brazil lost against Netherlands
and slightly because of the lapsap
the electro kept me sway my attention away from the match
and i can't concentrate at all
*seriously headache while watching the 2nd half

Kaka, i'm sorry that i didn't bring you out
that's why you can't perform well in your match = ="

who'll believe that?
it just Round 8, hellooooooo
*(okay, i knew that Brazil is 'poor' anyway >.<")

this is the perfect match in final
*who knows... M'sia might be the next champion for worldcup 2014 = ="

so one down, one more to go
please don't disappoint the people again Argentina!!

Poor Benji, don't ever fight with the bl*cksSs out there
because they're violence!! = ="

My Plastic Friend
you should know that you never needed
not a second in my life!

Go and live in your darn fake life
non-stop acting neutral like the bitch in your fake life
just pretend like you're very good in your whole life
just like plastic surgery operating all the time!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

【 Waving Flag 】

Too much lies. Too much disappointment.

You're just one of the cheapskate out there.

Don't act like nothing happen;
because something happened!

We can't deny it. You can't deny it as well.

When you have no restriction. You're restricted!

So, are we going to meet DJ Lapsap tomorrow?

Definitely, and we are going to cheer for Brazil!

*Please don't break my heart again T.T

I wish to get all the balllllsssss!

i have 3 on hand now,
most importantly Brazil is with me.

Next target will be Argentina.
(that's everyone target)
Went to watched Toy Story 3 yesterday night
it's a nice movie indeed
But for me, Prison Break cross my mind!
Apparently, they're breaking out!

Not really touching for me laaaar...
because i don't really loves toys!
*(except my SpongeBob)

It's a nightmare for me
as i've been thinking all of the toys playing while
i'm sleeping!!

Oh my.... Oh oh oh oh.... my gosh! = ="

When i get older, i will be stronger,
They'll call me freedom,
Just like a waving flag,
And then it goes back!