i always kept this photo in my phone
cause ONE DAY, i'm gonna shoot exactly the same one like this!! Hemph~
sometimes when you're super broke,
you kinda wish money can 'drop from the sky' isn't?
Oh! I NEED A JOB~~~!!
i'm checking on cheap air ticket d.a.i.l.y
*even though i don't have money to buy, siok sendiri boleh tak?! = =
Bangkok? Bali? Bangkok? Bali?
Haiyayayayayaya, confused...!
some people may think that i spent more than i earn
but don't get it wrong!
the money i'm spending are my own savings!
it's well known as "血汗钱"... but mine is "挨饿钱" get it? ;(
my plan is to travel as much as i can before i start working
as i can see from the peoples around me
*especially the one living under the same roof with me
They're busy counting on leaves every time i ask them to go travel..!
I loves my artwork! LMAO~~~
can't stand anymore for my messy long hair
gonna cut it short short short!!
and i might make it blonde blonde blonde again!
alright, i'm kinda insane, mad, stress
because of my assignments, seminar, and EXAMS!!