
| | |我就喜欢我是这样的女生| | |

Thursday, August 5, 2010

【 SALT is who? 】

My final exam is around the corner!!
YES!! i have 2 more weeks for revision...
and my assignments due date as well!!
That is why i hate short semester, everything come in rush~~ T.T

Anyway, i still need to relaaaax... =)

Went to watch Monga on Tuesday,
the duration of this movie is 2hours++ if i'm not mistaken,
one more time, there were only me & my friend are 'female' in the hall!! = ="

So, i guess this movie suit guys more?
Hmm...... @.@

♥ Angelina Jolie
♥ Evelyn Salt

Whatever it is, i love this movie so muchiie!!
There's no time for you to gasp~~

I don't want it to end when it's THE END @.@

Seriously, it grab your heart & attention from the start...
I'm strained!! =)

It's strange,
but i miss Wii = ="

Although my arm's pain after the game!!
Anyone know where can i get this shirt??